My, my, there’s so much to do here if I want this blog to be successful, at least according to “informed sources.” That really brings up the question of what this blog is intended to do. I like to think of it as a “starter” blog, at least it’s my “starter” blog. I remember when I was a kid many moons ago I grew some “starter” beans. No giant came down a beanstalk, but it sure was fun. I grew them hydroponically on our lanai and had, as I recall, about five plants growing out of a plastic dish tub. The setup actually produced enough lima beans for a good meal for myself and my mom and dad. Well I guess that’s what I’m doing here. Trying to grow at least one good meal with some “starter” beans. My two big interests these days, at least those I’ll talk about, are photography and travel, preferably together. I’ve only been taking a P&S along, most recently a FinePix F30 , which I love. It’s a great camera, especially in low light. A lot of my weather photos have been taken with it. I’...